Verksamhetsanalys och kravhantering
Verksamhetsanalys och kravhantering som framgångsfaktorer. Dålig kravhantering kan i slutändan leda till höga kostnader, eller till och med att hela projektet riskeras. Utbildning med certifiering enligt internationella normer hjälper till att öka kompetensen inom detta område.
SQEB verkar för en standard inom kravhantering samt Verksamhetsanalys (Business Analyst) och erbjuder certifieringar enligt internationella normer, i samarbete med GASQ, Global Association for Software Quality, IQBBA, International QualificationBoard for Business Analysis samt IREB, Requirements Engineering Qualifications Board.
SQEB tar nu steget och expanderar möjligheterna för branschfolk att även kunna certifiera sig inom Business Analyst enligt IQBBA och Artificial Intelligence.
SQEB slår nu upp portarna & erbjuder online examinering av IREB
Nu kan SQEB meddela att vi erbjuder Er möjligheten att kunna göra IREB Foundation Level & IREB Re@Agile examination online via SQEB och vår samarbetspartner. Se mer under fliken "Öppna tentor".
SQEB can now inform you that we can offer you to do IREB Foundation Level and IREB Re@Agile examination online through SQEB and our partner. Se more under the tab "Öppna tentor".
2011 > 04
gasq, the Global Association for Software Quality, and SQEB, the Software Quality Engineering Board, have agreed on a close cooperation. SQEB is from now on gasq's partner in Sweden for the internationally leading REQB certification and will offer the program in Sweden. SQEB is now the official board for accreditations according to this scheme in Sweden in English and Swedish language.
gasq General Manager, says: "we are happy to have with SQEB a good partner for the Swedish market with many experienced people working in the field of personnel certification. Also their experience in accreditation of training providers for IT certification programs will be a big help to ensure highest quality here."
Beata Karpinska, president of SQEB, commented: "We are very happy to have a partnership with gasq. The cooperation on the field of REQB is very successful from the very beginning. We implemented for the beginning the Foundation Level of the scheme and will offer also the REQB Advanced Level Requirements Manager certification soon."
Ingvar Nordström, vice-president of SQEB added: "As a next step we will implement further certifications in cooperation with gasq. It is very good to have a set of international certifications that can be brought and adapted to the Swedish market."
Länkar till Syllabus, Glossary och Övningstenta hos IREB.